This was covered in the Morning Star here

Since November 2020 Bristol North West CLP has been paralysed by Labour Party bureaucrats in South West Region. They have

  • Indefinitely suspended the party’s chair and secretary on spurious grounds.• Overruled elected officers when trying to organise meetings.
  • Blocked branch members from selecting candidates, resulting in the loss of three council seats in the constituency and, with it, control of Bristol City Council.
  • Across the region suspended 20 officers (out of around 70 nationally) simply for allowing their members to debate issues that are important to them.

Esther Giles, Bristol North West’s suspended secretary says: “On top of all this, the bureaucrats took control of our annual general meeting and the ballot for the election of our officers. Our local party democracy has been totally removed from us. And similar things are happening in the party across the county. THE TIME HAS COME TO MAKE A STAND.”