Joint statement by Labour Against the Witchhunt, Labour Campaign for Free Speech, Labour Left Alliance and Labour in Exile Network

Why you should NOT participate in the JLM ‘training sessions’ on antisemitism
A number of Labour Party members and role holders have been invited by general secretary David Evans to participate in online training sessions named “Understanding Antisemitism”.
Here are some reasons why we urge Labour Party members NOT to participate:
1) These sessions will be run exclusively by the Jewish Labour Movement, a pro-Israel organisation that is affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation, whose stated mission is “settling the land”. JLM is the sister party of the racist Labor Party of Israel and was revived in 2015 – explicitly in order to battle Jeremy Corbyn. It has close links to the Israeli embassy (watch The Lobby for proof). It has been doing everything in its power to weaponise false and exaggerated charges of anti-Semitism in order to undermine Jeremy Corbyn. It was the key organisation that pushed for Labour to adopt the discredited IHRA fake definition of antisemitism, which purposefully conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism and has been criticised by its principal drafter Kenneth Stern of having been misapplied in order to “chill free speech”.
2) Just as Israel claims to be the homeland of all Jews, so the JLM claims to be the homeland of all Jews in the Labour Party. Both claims are palpably untrue. You don’t have to be Jewish to join the JLM – you don’t even have to be a member of the Labour Party. JLM very much represents and organises pro-Zionists, but none of the many thousands of secular and anti-Zionist Jews. A balanced training session would have seen trainers from Jewish Voice for Labour, for example.
3) These sessions are unlikely to be run in a democratic manner. The chat is likely to be switched off. If members are allowed to speak – and speak critically – they are likely to not just be reprimanded in the session, but perhaps even be reported to the Governance and Legal Unit. This is what happened to Jackie Walker: She was secretly filmed at a JLM training session, her words were taken out of context and passed on to the disciplinary board, before she was expelled.
We urge comrades instead to organise education sessions that discuss the difference between anti-Zionism and antisemitism and to pass motions to replace the IHRA with the much better Jerusalem Declaration. It is our view that there should be no hierarchy of racism, and that members should be offered education events, discussions and debates on recognising and combating all forms of racism.
Ever since its inception, the Labour Party has been dogged by antiSemitism. While it has always been present, there have been times when antiSemitism within the party has flourished and has become the way to define the party. A clear example of this was the period of chaos and anguish that existed during prime of Jeremy Corbyn. The stench of Corbynism continues to contaminate the party and hinders the current leadership’s efforts to halt the decline of the party.
Surely everyone who wishes the Labour party to survive would want to support any initiate or educational programme that aims to eradicate the ignorance and conspiratorial theories that underpin all aspects of antiSemitism.
I received one of these emails and I wrote back saying that I didn’t need David Evans or anyone else for that matter to tell me how to treat people. That was my parents job and a very good job they did. My mother told me when I was very young, always remember that there is nobody better than you, but don’t you ever forget that you are no better than anyone else. I DID NOT RECEIVE A RESPONSE.