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We are a new kind of non-geographical Constituency Labour Party (modeled on the Labour International CLP), for all those who no longer feel that they are welcome in the Labour Party.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of people have been suspended or expelled from the Labour Party. It began under Jeremy Corbyn with the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign whose aim was to protect the Israeli state from criticism.
Since Keir Starmer became leader, the number of expulsions and suspensions has rocketed. Starmer became leader on the pledge to preserve the manifesto commitments of Jeremy Corbyn. But first he sacked Rebecca Long-Bailey from the Shadow Cabinet and then he suspended Jeremy Corbyn for pointing out that anti-Semitism in the Labour Party had been weaponised and exaggerated. Now he is suspending dozens of CLP secretaries and chairs who dared to allow discussion of such crucial matters. Starmer is trying to make the party once again into a safe ‘second eleven’ that can be relied upon to run capitalism if needed – and wiping out the Labour Left is very much part of his plan.
What is our aim and purpose?
The main aim of Labour In Exile Network is to keep together all who those who were mobilised and enthused to support Jeremy Corbyn for leader: This includes those who are still in the Labour Party; those who have been unfairly suspended or expelled in the last five years and those who have resigned from the Labour Party in despair.
1. Democratise the Labour Party!
We need a system of democratic, open selection of Labour’s representatives at all levels, including MPs. The Governance and Legal Unit should be scrapped and replaced with a democratically elected body. We will campaign for the democratisation and accountability of the NEC, including a review of the voting system, and a sovereign Labour Party conference. Conference should have the right to initiate a leadership contest and we will mobilise to vote against David Evans at the next LP conference. We call on branches and CLPs to vote for no confidence in Keir Starmer, who has waged an all-out war against the left.
2. For free speech!
The right to free speech is coming under increasing attack in the world at large and can no longer be guaranteed. We will campaign for Labour Party members, branches and CLPs to have the right to discuss any issues they like, without the threat of censure or suspension. We urge branches and CLP to ignore instructions of issues being “not competent business” as unconstitutional. We campaign against the recommendations of the EHRC report, which demands that antisemitism cases are outsourced and which leads to a curtailing of free speech. We will campaign to overturn the party’s commitment to the so-called definition of antisemitism by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which conflates anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel with antisemitism in a number of its examples. Instead, we need a culture of open and free debate on all matters.
3. Stop the witch-hunt
We will campaign for all cases of unwarranted suspension and expulsion since the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader to be reviewed in an unbiased and democratic manner, with a view to possible reinstatement. We will campaign for the party’s complaints and disciplinary procedures to be radically overhauled so that they are transparent, carried out in accordance with the principles of natural justice as set out in common law. This process should be time-limited: charges not resolved within three months should be automatically dropped and an accused member should be given all the evidence submitted against them and be regarded as innocent until proven guilty.
● We will campaign for recognition as a non-geographical CLP.
● We will campaign in the trade unions and with existing Labour Party members for a democratic Labour Party that belongs to its members.
● We will campaign at the next Labour Party conference and organise a fringe meeting.
● We will hold (socially distanced if required) demos outside Labour HQ.
● We will hold regular members meetings in order that people can keep in touch with each other and show solidarity.
LIEN launch conference
On February 27, we are holding a virtual conference to which all Labour Party members, and excluded members, will be invited to (please send motions!). Speakers at our conference include Tosh McDonald, Chris Knight, Graham Bash, Leah Levane, Roger Silverman and Jackie Walker. Register here to attend.
Get involved in Labour in Exile Network (LIEN)!
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