What has Labour done to YOU? Been on tenterhooks waiting for the repeatedly delayed Forde Inquiry to report? Enough we say!!
Do you have a story of injustice, undemocratic process, or other dirty goings on in Labour? This is your chance to talk back!
As the dwindling resources of Starmer’s Labour continue to be spent paying erstwhile spies and those on short term contracts to search for signs of dissent, “Not The Forde Inquiry” will reconvene to give witness to face to face testimony from victims of the biggest political witch hunt in British history at the Resist Event in the Rialto Theatre, Brighton, during the Labour Party conference this September.
Expect the most unexpected, as Dorothy Walker (Jackie Walker’s allegedly deceased mother), rises once more from her world touring show “The Lynching” to act as judge to your witness. Send an outline of your story in under 300 words to norm6344@gmail.com. We will put your story online, and, who knows, you may even get the chance to put your case in person, on stage, in Brighton!
I joined Labour aged almost 55 in September 2015 after a lifetime of never even having voted before. Corbyn changed the habit of a lifetime and inspired me to not only vote for his party but to join it and work tirelessly for it. I became CLP Vice Chair and Branch Secretary within 2 years of joining and held those positions until my suspension in September 2021.
I am an ex-RN 1982 Falklands War veteran and child of the sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland, born in 1960.
Currently serving a 12 month punitive suspension for alleged Anti-semitism and bringing the party into disrepute. However, seeing as I was not offered a hearing, I have been unable to gain any kind of understanding of why whatever I am deemed to have said on Facebook actually qualifies for what I was found guilty of. The evidence was apparently ‘so overwhelming’ that it did not need a hearing, yet I was only suspended. Bewildering! I was branch secretary and CLP Vice Chair at the time of my suspension.
The Regional Board used almost exactly the same ‘dossier’ to remove me from the hustings at a neighbouring CLP to stand for PPC at GE2019. They had tried to bully the CLP Selection Secretary with a conference call to get me off their list of candidates only days after my invitation was sent – a tactic which was successful with another local CLP who removed me off their list – but this Secretary stood up against their false assertion that I had to be removed because I had failed a councillor empanelment interview within the last 2 years. The fact that this criterion does not even exist was only eclipsed by the fact that it was untrue anyway. So they just struck me off via a 10pm email the night before the hustings. No explanation, no qualification, just ‘due diligence’ written on the email.
In February 2017 I was abused and assaulted in the local Labour office by a councillor, witnessed by the MP-designate, Luke Pollard and several others. My complaint was turned down as ‘groundless’ by then Complaints officers, Sam Matthews and Sophie Goodyear without it being forwarded to anyone else for consideration as they advised me ‘go to the police if you think you have grounds for a complaint of assault.