Re your article: Corbyn supporters threaten to ‘take care of’ Jewish activists (

There are a number of factual errors and misleading references in your article, which we ask you to correct immediately and publicly in the article above.

1. The Labour In Exile Network has not launched any campaign or working group as you describe. No such “announcement” was made at our launch conference, which any number of the 200 participants will be able to confirm. 

2. In the run up to conference, a single individual made a proposal to set up a working group called ‘Anti-Zionist Action Network’. However, as clearly stated on our website “we did not get to this item in the agenda, which was deferred”. The video footage from our Zoom conference can prove this.

3. The LIEN steering committee, elected at the conference, decided against launching such a network. 

4. The half sentence “take care of those individuals” has been misinterpreted in bad faith, as the whole sentence shows: “to use the knowledge so-gained for the purpose of warning other members to take care of those individuals” in the sense of “be wary and avoid”. 

5. Using a photo of Jackie Walker suggests to readers she was instrumental in the story you have published. Jackie Walker has no connection at all to this and we ask you remove her photo immediately.

6. Labour In Exile Network abhors all forms of racism, including antisemitism and campaigns against the conflation of anti-Zionism with antisemitism.