The Socialist Health Association Supporting the Founding Principles of the NHS:
For a Publicly Funded and Provided NHS, Providing Services Based on Need
The Socialist Health Association (SHA), formerly known as the Socialist Medical Association, has been affiliated to the Labour Party since 1931. The SHA was formed to campaign for a National Health Service. The SHA is strongly opposed to the plans of Starmer and Streeting to turn the NHS into a British version of American Medicare & Medicaid, dominated as it is by insurance companies and private companies who make rich pickings at the expense of patients. The SHA believes that the NHS must be off limits to hedge fund owners, venture capitalists, US health care companies and other capitalist endeavours.
People may remember that when Starmer was elected leader of the Labour Party he pledged that:
Public services should be in public hands, not making profits for shareholders.
Support common ownership of rail, mail, energy and water; end outsourcing in our NHS, local government and justice system.

The SHA membership has recently elected Officers and Central Council Members wholly committed to the founding principles of the SHA- for a publicly funded and provided NHS. The SHA is aware that this appears to run contrary to the current position of the Labour Party Front Bench, and issued this statement on 11th January 2023.
The Socialist Labour Network supports the elected officers and council members of the SHA. To support the SHA and the NHS, we suggest that you:
- Join the SHA here;
- If you are a Union member, contact your union to ask that their NEC representative supports the SHA and its affiliation to the Labour Party.